Sea Cadet Scholarships $500

Currently we have three sea cadet units, we are setting up Scholarships for interested cadets that want to be in the program. One of the challenges is the initial $500 which includes 1 year membership, Uniforms and Basic Training.

     1. The Adult Leadership select the Cadets to Participate
     2. The New Cadet agrees to during the next 12 months 40 hours of Community Service
         a. The Adult Leadership approved the Activity of Community Service
     3. The New Cadet agrees to Periodically share his experience with the Sponsor.
        a. The Sponsor could be a Person or a Company
     4. At the End of the 12 Month and completion of the Community Service
        a. Cadet will be recognized for the Scholarship Completion Award(NL Award)
        b. Sponsor will be invited to Pin on a 1st Year of Service of the Sea Cadet
              i. Solo Award Presentation by the Tampa Council


Sponsor can Participate in one or more scholarships and all 100%of the funds from the Sponsor will be for the Cadet in training, Uniforms, or Annual dues.

The Takeaway:


We in the Tampa Bay Community come to offer a career opportunity that may not have existed in his or her wheelhouse.

For the SPONSOR:

An opportunity to encourage a young cadet that they have the support of typically a stranger to watch him or her grow not onlymaybe ina future in the military, but also GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY.

For our Community & Nation

More friendships among us, more of a well-balanced future citizen.


The Challenge:

Sea Cadet Leadership to keep identifying & bringing fine young youth in the Sea Cadets
Tampa Navy League to Help with Support of the Scholarships and other Support.
Sponsors being a part of changing life and offering opportunities that might not have existed.
*Grin of encouragement when we all smile in amazement at the success beyond expectation.

Will all succeed, most likely not, but how do we know unless we try and as they become adults, they will have experienced being helped or given a boost that they will do in the future to ones they do not know.


Sponsors can donate on Give Butter or mail a check to our council. Click the link for either choice.

Tampa Navy League
