Salute to the Coast Guard Dinner

On January 26, 2017, the Tampa Bay Council of the Navy League was proud to support and sponsor the salute to the Coast Guard event with the Tampa Propeller Club.  This is a long-time partnership and friendship between your Tampa Bay Navy League and the Propeller club and we were happy to be able to […]

New Tampa Council Officers Elected

Congratulations to the new Tampa Bay Council Navy League officers elected at the annual meeting on February 8, 2017. Jason Allen – President Ed Miyagishima – Vice-President Nancy Allen – Treasurer Humerto “Chief” Alvarez – Secretary

414 Ships, No LCS: MITRE’s Alternative Navy

By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR.on February 10, 2017 at 4:47 PM  WASHINGTON: The Navy needs a vastly larger fleet — 414 warships — to win a great-power war, well above today’s 274 ships or even the Navy’s unfunded plan for 355, the think-tank MITRE calculates in a congressionally-chartered study. That ideal fleet would include: […]

U.S., Canada Partner on Model, Test Activities to Support Heavy Polar Icebreaker Acquisition Posted: February 10, 2017 4:58 PM WASHINGTON — The U.S. and Canadian governments on Feb. 7 established a partnership that will enable the U.S. Coast Guard heavy polar icebreaker acquisition program to test and validate potential heavy polar icebreaker design models at Canada’s National Research Council (NRC) in St John’s, Newfoundland, the Coast Guard […]

To Fix the Department of the Navy – Kill the Mabus Legacy

by Gary Anderson Journal Article | January 2, 2017 – 10:10am To Fix the Department of the Navy – Kill the Mabus Legacy Gary Anderson Global warming and political incorrectness are the greatest threats to the United States, and it is the job of America’s Navy to protect us from those threats. For the […]

Ignoring budget caps, Navy issues new call for larger fleet By Jared Serbu | @jserbuWFED December 19, 2016 5:30 am Almost exactly one year ago, Defense Secretary Ash Carter rebuked his Navy secretary, Ray Mabus, for submitting budget plans that Carter believed put too much emphasis on quantity over quality. Mabus evidently hasn’t been persuaded: the final force structure assessment prepared under his watch calls for a significantly bigger fleet than the Navy’s own […]

Defense Bill Includes Biggest Military Pay Raise in 5 Years

Stars and Stripes | Nov 29, 2016 | by Travis J. Tritten WASHINGTON — Troops would get their biggest pay raise in years under the final version of Congress’ annual defense policy bill unveiled Tuesday. The 2.1 percent increase included in the National Defense Authorization Act would break a five-year trend of raises that have […]

Navy Adjusts LCS Class Crewing, Readiness and Employment

From Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet SAN DIEGO (NNS) — The Navy announced Sept. 8 it will implement several key changes to the projected 28-ship littoral combat ship (LCS) Flight 0/0+ class over the next five years that will simplify crewing, stabilize testing and increase overseas deployment presence availability. The projected 12 Frigates […]
